
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Infinity Under A Roof

I started going to the library pretty much every day, and it's groovy.

I get to spend two hours reading the book of my choice in the universe's grooviest (albeit least comfortable) chairs.
Plus, on the wall is a quote by Gail Carson Levine (FAIREST! TWO PRINCESSES OF BAMARRE!):

"A library is infinity under a roof."

God, she's amazing. I love that beyond words.

Recently I've been reading the Song Of The Lioness series by Tamora Pierce, and I'm really enjoying it.
My friend Elf (who you may remember from my post about the Hunger Games movie) got me into the series when she let me borrow the first book on a camping trip.

But I have now read all the ones at my library, and I can't place a hold on the last book because I have almost $150 dollars in late and lost fines.
Goodbye sweet babysitting money, I hardly knew ye.

So today I had about fifteen minutes until my mom called to tell me she was there to get me, and I had finished The Woman Who Rides Like A Man, so I was looking for something to read.

I found myself alone, wandering the teen sci-fi/fantasy section, trying to find a book in the only part of the teen
room not infested with paranormal chick lit vampire romance novellas, staring at the same three Star Wars books.
Then I saw it:

Speaker For The Dead by Orson Scott Card.

I collapsed down in the floor and flipped it open, hardly believing my eyes. I had searched long and hard for this book several times, only to find it checked out!
I turned through the pages, practically devouring the words I had been longing for ever since finishing Ender's Game.

Then I looked up and saw my mom and Jayne. standing over me because it was 7:37 and I apparently have no cell reception in the library. Oops.
(On a related note, why is CAR on the very very very bottom shelf of the sci-fi aisle?)


  1. Because the only part of the library that is not neatly organized is the teen section. Every other part of "my" library is neat and organized by subject/author. But, mysteriously, the teen section is just weird.

    1. No it's alphabetical, just the sci-fi is on a different shelf... STOP GENRE SEGREGATION!
